I’d been meaning to investigate a way of showing these posts (which are now successfully coming in via email updates), as full posts on this front page.
A pandemic gave me the perfect opportunity to pick up where I left off and try to fix the issue.
It looks like it’s not as simple as I thought – The default theme i’m using (twentyseventeen) asks you to pick either a static front page (which I had previously for contact details) or a ‘posts page’ where full posts are shown instead of excerpts.
This can be switched using the following menu –
I’m sure there is a workaround and no doubt a bit of unpicking the code would give a decent solution but for now this will do.
I may use a ‘pinned’ post to outline what the site is about which my previous layout did in pretty simple terms.
Hopefully this will be the start of a bit more tinkering again now i’m house bound like the rest of country.